We invite you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual infections of the southern regions of Kazakhstan", which will be held on 29-30June, 2018 in Shymkent.

Conference Organizer:

South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Regional Public Association "Society of Physicians of Infectionists"

The conference is expected to discuss a wide range of issues on

- problems of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in the practice of infectious disease specialists, therapists, pediatricians, surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, general practitioners, physicians of EMC;

- rational pharmacotherapy of infectious diseases;

- Current condition and prospects of the infectious service development in Kazakhstan;

- Prospects and objectives for reducing the incidence of infectious diseases within the country and in the southern regions;

- High technology in the fight against infectious diseases;

- modern diagnostic capabilities in working with an infectious patient;

- outpatient care for infectious patients;

- prospects for improving the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic viral infections (HIV, hepatitis, herpes, etc.);

- urgent care for infectious diseases;

- antiviral and antibacterial therapy of infectious diseases. Evidence-based medicine in assessing the therapeutic possibilities of the used schemes and methods of treatment.

- Nutrition for infectious and non-infectious diseases. Modern view of dietology in the practice of a doctor;

- Vaccine prophylaxis of infectious diseases;

- intensive therapy and resuscitation of infectious patients;

- epidemiological surveillance of infectious and parasitic diseases.

Carrying out round tables, seminars, clinical analysis, discussion of protocols of patients' treatment is planned within the framework of the Conference.

Conference participants:

leading scientists of the CIS in the field of infectious diseases, practical infectious disease doctors, therapists, pediatricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, doctors of the EMC, organizers of public health services, epidemiologists and laboratory diagnostics specialists, students of higher and additional professional education of medical schools.

To participate in the scientific program of the Conference, it is necessary to send to the Organizing Committee until May 15, 2018an application, certified by the head of the institution and containing the following data:

Title of the report;

surname, name and middle name of each author completely;

the name of the organization (s) where the work was performed;

contact information: postal address for correspondence, telephone, e-mail;

need to book a hotel room.

Applications will be sent to e-mail: The receipt by the Organizing Committee of the application will be confirmed by a separate letter. The rapporteurs will be informed about the inclusion of the report in the scientific program of the Conference no later than May 31, 2018.

Requirements for the preparation of articles and abstracts:

Articles (up to 5 pages), theses (up to 2 pages) must be submitted in Russian, Kazakh, English and sent to the Organizing Committee in electronic form (by e-mail).

Articles and theses should be edited and typed in Times New Roman, 12 pins, 1.5 field intervals of 2 cm each.

The title should be printed in capital letters, surnames and initials of the authors - in uppercase and lowercase. The next line gives the name of the institution, city.

The works should contain the concrete factual material received by the authors.

Articles and theses should be edited by the authors.

The completed works must be sent no later than May 30, 2018 to e-mail:


1. In case of non-compliance with any of the above rules of registration of works, the Organizing Committee reserves the right not to accept them for printing.

2. Authors should make sure that the theses have been received by the organizing committee. Communication by e-mail.

Conference Secretariat:

In Shymkent: AbuovaGulzhanNarkenovna (scientific program, participation of companies, accommodation of participants)

Phone: +77017328158, E-mail:

Berdalieva Farida Abdullaevna (theses)

Phone: +77754681328, E-mail:


Within the framework of the Conference will be an exhibition of presentation information materials of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, immunoglobulins, diagnostic tools and laboratory equipment, products of therapeutic nutrition, biologically active and food additives, etc.

We ask participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual infections of the southern regions of Kazakhstan" to fill in and send before May 15, 2018. to the email address

registration card:

Participant's registration card

Surname, name, middle name (in full) _____________________________________________

Year of birth_________________________________________________________________



Place of work_________________________________________________________________

Academic degree, academic title ___________________________________________________

Address for correspondence_______________________________________________________

Contact phone (with city code) _____________________________________

E-mail address_______________________________________________________

Form of participation (underline): Oral report

Poster report.

Without a report

Requirements for the design of poster (poster) report:

the size of the stand A1 (60 x 90 cm) - the orientation is vertical.

the font size of the text is not less than 20 pt.

All photos and drawings must be of good quality, a signature under each

photo and corresponding footnotes and explanations in the text.


Information on the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Infections of the Southern Regions of Kazakhstan" is posted on the website of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

The Organizing Committee of the Conference hopes that this forum will arouse the wide interest of scientists, practitioners, surveillance staff, health organizers, medical students.

02.05.2018, 07:03