Dear applicants for admission to the master's program of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy in 2021!


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Registration for comprehensive testing (CT) is carried out in the period from June 1 to July 15, 2021 on the website .

Date of the CT: from July 20 to August 10, 2021.

The f ormat of passing the test: Online.

The cost of participation in the CT is 8292 tg.


To participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant, applicants must score at least 75 points (foreign language-at least 25 points, a test for determining readiness for learning-at least 7 points, a test for the profile of a group of educational programs – at least 7 points for each subject).

To enter the master's program on a paid basis, applicants must score at least 50 points (foreign language-at least 25 points, a test to determine readiness for learning-at least 7 points, a test on the profile of a group of educational programs – at least 7 points for each subject).

Admission of applicants to the master's degree program "SKMA" for the 2021-2022 academic year will be carried out in accordance with Order No. 647 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Approval of state mandatory standards and standard professional training programs in medical and pharmaceutical specialties" dated July 31, 2015, Order No. 600 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 "On approval of standard admission rules for training in educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education" with additions and amendments dated May 24, 2021; Order No. 604 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of state mandatory standards of education at all levels of education" dated October 31, 2018.

Detailed information on admission to the master's program can be obtained from the Department of scientific and clinical work, doctoral and master's studies of the SKMA.




Mussayeva Arina Galimovna, Tel: +7 771 320 24 22

Kali Sуmbat Mamyrkhanovna, Tel: +7 771 561 23 23

Batyrbay Sуmbat Azatkhanovna, Tel.: +7 747 131 97 97

12.06.2021, 00:14