Day of the medical workers!

On 19.06.2020, a solemn event dedicated to the "Day of the medical workers was held on the Webex online platform, organized by the Department for social Affairs and youth policy. The event was attended by the head of Department of public health of the Turkestan region M. O. Pashimov, chairman of the Public unifications of South Kazakhstan association of medical workers, PhD I.T.Toleev, rector M. M. Rysbekov and staff SKMA.

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Rector of SKMA M.M.Rysbekov congratulated the whole team on their professional holiday, noted the importance of this profession and wished them success in their work.

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The guest of honor of the event- the head of Department of public health of the Turkestan region M. O. Pashimov noted the merits of SKMA employees during the pandemic and expressed his wishes on behalf of the Department.

Chairman of the Public unifications of South Kazakhstan association of medical workers, PhD I.T.Toleev expressed gratitude to all the staff of the SKMA and noted that the badge of the Association was received by professor N.Zh.Ormanov.

Moderator of the event, head of the Department for social affairs and youth policy E. Salim noted colleagues who received badges of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a letter of thanks from the rector, and congratulated the team.

At the end of the event, the teams were shown a specially prepared video.

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The holiday, which is annually celebrated at a high level, was held online in connection with the pandemic. But our team reacted with understanding to this event, expressed gratitude and sincerely said goodbye to the hope that the coming day would be better.

We sincerely congratulate all people in white coats on the "Day of the Medical worker"!

23.06.2020, 00:38