Curator's hour on the topic: "Zhoshi Khan and his Horde"

In connection with the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the great Jochi Khan, senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Abdrasilova Sabira Turekhanovna held a curator's hour on October 16, 2024 on the topic "Jochi Khan and his Horde" for 2nd-year students of the following specialties: "Medicine", "Dentistry" and "Technology of Pharmaceutical Production".
The purpose of the curator's hour (lesson):
1. Formation of an understanding of the life path of Joсhi Khan, his place in history and the role he played.
2. Provide information about the greatness of Joсhi Khan and talk about his influence on the formation of the Kazakh Khanate.
3. Education in young people of such qualities as heroism, protection of the country, justice and leadership.
During the curator's hour, the life and place of Jochi Khan in history, his life and work, his descendants and influence on the formation of the Kazakh Khanate were discussed.
Historical data on the justice and leadership qualities of Jochi Khan, as well as the military power of Jochi Khan and his Horde are shown.
The importance of Jochi Khan's place in the history of the Kazakh steppe. The life and struggle of Jochi Khan are an example for today's generation. Obviously, his fair rule, heroism and leadership qualities will serve as an example for Kazakh youth in the future. In this regard, we came to the conclusion that studying the life of our great ancestors has educational value, since the life and work of Jochi Khan teaches young people to respect their native country and history, appreciate national values, and also contributes to the instilling of such qualities as justice, heroism and service to the country.
At the end of the curatorial hour, students were given tasks in the form of questions and answers:
1. What do you know about the place of Jochi Khan in the history of our steppe?
2. What qualities did Jochi Khan stand out for?
3. What influence did the greatness of Jochi Khan have on the creation of the Kazakh Khanate? The following questions were given to our students on which of them were answering expressing their thoughts.

12.11.2024, 17:50