Curator's hour on the topic "Honesty is a matter of honor"
Senior lecturer of the department of "Social and humanitarian disciplines" Burkhan E.Zh. on December, 5 together with his group ФӨТҚАБ-02-23 held a curator's hour dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day celebrating on December, 9 all over the world. During that class he explained to students the concept of corruption and what its essence is and what students should do to resist it, as well as have the ability to express their views, expand their worldview and freely express their thoughts.
Some information about the adoption of a number of normative legal acts governing corruption in our republic (on July 2, 1998, the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the law "On the fight against corruption", joining the convention adopted by 37 states. In Kazakhstan, there are also special normative legal acts governing criminal, disciplinary and administrative liability for corruption which are adopted in legal acts, including the laws "On civil service" and "On combating corruption") were presented by curator, also the university also provided information on articles related to the activities of students.
At the end of the curatorial hour (lesson), the students asked questions of interest to them and then they received all the necessary information.