«Cup of the Rector of SKMA - 2018» Game of cheerful and resourceful

The game of the most cheerful and resourceful among the students of the Academy was held with the organization of the department of youth policy and the youth center "Болашақ" on the 26th April, 2018. Rector of SKMA, Professor M.M.Rysbekov made a welcome speech and wished all participants good luck. There were 5 teams participated: ЖасStar, Біздің құрама, Эксклюзив, Адреналин, Жедел жәрдем. The jury members were teachers and guests, as Zh.Kambar - psychologist of the youth resource center under the management of internal policy and director of the Club of CCR-players - A.Ibrayev. The team "Жедел жәрдем" won in this year again. All participants were given certificates and valuable prizes.

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03.05.2018, 03:16