At the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business, an open lecture on the topic "Creative Economy" was held with the trainer of the project for training a creative entrepreneur of the UNESCO cluster bureau, director of the Center for Creative Industry of AlmaU, Aigul Maratovna.
The lecture was attended by teaching staff of the department "Organization and Management of pharmaceutical business" and students of the 4th year in the specialty "Pharmacy".

The content of the lecture included the following questions:
• What is the creative economy?
• What is the creative industry and its development
• Creation of a creative message in Kazakhstan

At the lecture, creative ideas were voiced around the world and the Republic of Kazakhstan, which aroused the interest of students and at the end of the lecture, the head of the department of "OMPhB", pharm.d.s., Professor Shertaeva K.D. and pharm.c.s., acting Professor Zhumabaev N.Zh. shared their opinions on the topic and We thanked Aigul Maratovna for such an interesting lecture.

10.02.2023, 20:02