Within the framework of academic mobility of the teaching staff, Boshkaeva Asyl Kenesovna, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, was invited to the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKMA in the period from 25.03.2021 to 07.04.2021.

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The rich program of academic mobility of A.K. Boshkaeva included lecturing, conducting laboratory studies and SIW online under the Modular Curriculum «Quality Control of Medicine».

The lecture material reflected current and modern problems of pharmaceutical chemistry, ways to search for new drugs, issues of development, research and registration of new drugs, including problems of terminology, classification, pharmaceutical analysis.

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Students received useful information at interesting and informative lectures, classes on determining the purity of drugs, pharmacopoeial analysis of inorganic drugs, organic drugs, terpenoid preparations.

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The staff of the department expresses sincere gratitude to A.K. Boshkaeva for fruitful work, mutually beneficial cooperation in the training of qualified personnel in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

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17.04.2021, 10:30