«Constitution», «September 1 is the Day of Knowledge»

On September 2, teachers of the Department of General Education held a festive event dedicated to Constitution Day and September 1 – Knowledge Day. At the festive event, Deputy Director for Educational Work Taizhanova M.A. spoke, who wished success to the 1st year students who crossed the threshold of the college for the first time, and noted that high-quality education is the key to a bright future for our country. Head of the department A.T. Satayev congratulated the students and teachers of the medical college on the day of knowledge and explained that the holiday is of great importance for every citizen of Kazakhstan, since the Constitution is a pillar of stability, peace and harmony, meets its requirements of the time and is a guarantor of human rights and freedoms. The purpose of the event is to show all Kazakhstanis respect for the laws of our country and an important day dedicated to national unity. An opportunity to convey to students, to feel that knowledge Day is a great holiday, to educate an educated, well-mannered citizen of our country.

03.09.2024, 16:22