Congratulatory speech to the first graduates of the international faculty!

This year is significant for South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC with many important events, one of which is the first graduation of foreign students from far abroad, namely from the Republic of India, in the history of the Academy. Exactly 5 years ago, the first 35 students from India entered our academy, who came here for highly qualified training. During these 5 years, thanks to the teaching staff of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, these students not only had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of knowledge in the field of medicine but also did not move away from their foundations, in particular, Indian traditional holidays were held annually at the academy.

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We would like to appeal to our dear graduates, you have overcome a very important milestone in life, and today the Academy is accompanying you on a long and interesting path of professional growth. The pass to this life is your diploma, which will allow you to realize yourself and find your favorite business! Behind this holiday are your many years of work and persistent movement towards mastering professional knowledge and skills, the experience and skill of teachers, the work of all the services of the academy that provide the educational process.

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Meeting the requirements of the time, our academy prepares modern, demanded specialists who are able to generate new ideas, master them, and provide deep fundamental knowledge in the field of medicine.

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We are sure that you will not stop there and continue your education. Knowledge cannot be acquired for a lifetime - you need to learn constantly. Constantly study, work, and you will find your worthy place in life! On behalf of the administration of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC, we congratulate the graduates of the foreign faculty and wish them further professional achievements!

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25.06.2021, 05:17