November 16-20, 2020 online experts from the Finland Universities of Applied Sciences hold the second master-class "Teaching and assessment methods based on competencies in nursing education", which was attended by the staff of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing. The first part took place from 12 to 16 October 2020. The target group of the training program were teachers from medical universities, medical colleges, higher medical colleges, a total of 48 participants.

The purpose of the master class is to increase the competence of participants in the implementation of a variety of modern teaching methods and assessment methods based on competencies, to increase the ability of participants to critically assess and improve nursing education based on competence, understanding of future trends in nursing education and nursing practice.

Online lectures are given by Johanna Heikkilä, PhD, Jyväskylä (JAMK), Hanna Naakka, licensed nurse, MSc. Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland. Also, during the master class, the participants are given the task to work in the session rooms in groups in the Zoom program.

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In the middle of the course, the participants were given the task of writing a reflexive diary of the teacher teaching competence-based approaches. It was necessary to choose a student-centered teaching method / assessment method and apply it in the teaching process, write a short report on this use experience, applying all the steps of the Gibbs reflective cycle. Competition announced. Diplomas were awarded for the three best completed assignments.

According to the results of the competition, Aizat Ashimkhanovna Seidakhmetova was recognized as the winner and the owner of the 1st place, the 2nd place was Umida Abdyvalyevna Khohajkulova.

We sincerely congratulate the winners and wish them creative success.

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17.11.2020, 11:51