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On October 15, 2020, a remarkable person, senior teacher of the Department of physical culture, candidate for master of sports in athletics (1980) Aziza Emzebekovna Zhumabekova turned 60 years old.

After graduating the Karaganda pedagogical Institute of physical education A.E. Zhumabekova has been at the Department since 1981, 1995 - senior teacher, since 1994 till now-head teacher.

For active participation in public life of the city and the Academy was awarded with: "Letter of Appreciation" of the akim (1992). "Honorary diploma" of the Union of healthcare workers in South-Kazakhstan region (2004), "Certificate of merit" of the Ministry of helthcare (2004), "Letter of thanks" of the Ministry of helthcare (2010), "letter of Kurmet" of trade Union of healthcare workers (2011).

In 1996, in the 300-meter race, she won the athletics championship among medical workers of the South Kazakhstan region.

In 1999 and 2005-the winner of the competition for the title" Teacher of the year", initiated by the SKNPA.

Aziz Emzebekovna made a great contribution to the social and educational process of the Academy. For decades, it attracted students to physical education and sports, and promoted a healthy lifestyle.

We congratulate Aziz, Emzebekovna on the happy anniversary! We sincerely wish you good health, tireless energy, family well-being and happiness.

26.10.2020, 04:39