Competition «New wave-2019»

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On November 15, was held the contest of the students "New wave-2019", which organized by the staff of the department of social affairs and youth policy, in the assembly hall of UKMA. The event was opened by dean of the faculty of pharmacy K.N.Daurenbekov.

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Participants of the competition were among the first-year students of the academy and medical college.

The competition consisted of several stages. Each team was given forty minutes to defend the honor of their faculty. During this time, the participants had to demonstrate their talents and give preference to the public.

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The young talents of the first-year students of the academy and college showed their vocal abilities, dances of the peoples of the world, playing musical instruments, as well as artistic and humorous art. As noted the jury as famous composer, laureate of republican competitions Berik Seksenbekuly, secretary of methodological center of UKMA, senior teacher of department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Orazymbetova Galiya Dairbekovna, director of the dance studio "Duman" Alimbetova Venera, advisor to the chairman of the city branch of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" Kalybai Sayan, that among the faculties was serious struggle for prize places.

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The purpose of this event, as emphasized by the organizers of the competition, is to identify talented youth and strengthen friendly relations between students.

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According to the results of the competition, the best of the best were awarded in the following categories: "Best dancer", "Best singer", "Best reader", "Best presenter", "Best humor", "Best scene for a healthy lifestyle", "Best instrumental art", "Group song".

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The first place was awarded to students of the medical faculty.

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All participants who won prizes were awarded with valuable gifts and certificates.

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17.11.2019, 23:12