Competition «Медицина үздігі – 2023»

Dear teaching and scientific staff of JSC «South Kazakhstan Medical Academy»!
We are glad to inform you about the holding of the first (university) stage of the republican competition of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Медицина үздігі – 2023».
Employees of JSC "YUKMA" can take part in the competition in 4 nominations:
1. «The best teacher of a medical university»,
2. «The best teacher of the medical college»,
3. “The best scientist in healthcare»,
4. «The best young researcher in healthcare».
To participate in the first (university) stage of the competition, applicants must submit the following documents in electronic form in the state or Russian languages by May 26, 2023:
1) application for participation in the competition indicating the nomination in any form (in PDF format);
2) Resume with photo (in PDF and Word format);
3) a report on professional activity, certified by the head of the division in which the contestant works, with data on professional activity and information on the achievement of each of the indicators specified in the evaluation methodology for the corresponding nomination (Information on the achievement of each of the indicators (criteria and indicators) is presented in tabular format, in the form specified in the evaluation methodology for the corresponding nomination. The volume of the report should not exceed 15 printed sheets) (in PDF and Word format);
4) video about the contestant (no more than 3 minutes);
5) additional information at the request of the contestant (no more than 3 printed sheets in font 10) (in PDF and Word format).
For all questions, you can contact the specialist of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, Doctoral and Master's studies, Mussayeva Arina Galimkyzy (8-771-320-24-22).

17.05.2023, 10:54