Clarification of innovations in anti-corruption legislation

30.03.2021 on the Webex platform, together with the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency for the city of Shymkent, an event was held "to explain innovations in anti-corruption legislation".

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The event was attended by the teaching staff, heads of departments, deans, heads of departments and representatives of the rector's office and the department for the city of Shymkent of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

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Having received the first word, the head of the department of the Anti-Corruption Agency for the city of Shymkent Zhumagali Askhat Zhumagalievich noted the importance of the event and gave a turn to the first deputy Serikbayev Talgar Abdinabievich. After the report, a video about the consequences of corruption was shown.

At the end of the event, the Rector of the SKMA spoke about a number of anti-corruption activities carried out at the Academy and thanked the department's employees.

01.04.2021, 03:39