Charity events at center for special social services № 5

On April 12, 2024, a festive event was held at Shymkent City Center for Special Social Services № 5. The event was organized by Senior Lecturer of Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, L.O. Baikonsova L.O. in collaboration with Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy. Students from the friendship organizations of peoples, «Еріктілер лигасы» and «Бірлесу», along with Associate Professors Beisembaeva Z.I. and Eskerova S.U. from department and curatorial group Б-ЖМҚБ-01-21 also participated in event. The goal of event was to support people with disabilities, empower their spirits and engage students in socially significant activities. As part of event, students from SKMA specializing in General Medicine, Pharmaceutical Technology and Medical and Preventive Medicine presented a concert program. Games were organized for people with disabilities, with prizes awarded to both the winners and all participants. The festive evening concluded with a performance by academy's active youth choir singing the song «Сен Сұлу». The event concluded with expressions of gratitude from Center's Director, Perizat Sadibekovna Shardarbekova and recipients of social services, to organizers and participants.

17.04.2024, 17:50