Charity event held by the Department of GP-2 with interns group 13-23 "Kindness from the heart, mercy from the hand"
On December 04, 2023, interns-doctors of Group 13-23 of the Department «GP-2» with the head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, professor Dosybayeva Gulzhan and the curator of the group Otumbayeva Enlik held a program charity event «kindness-from the heart, mercy from the hand» in the boarding school of the corporate fund No. 4 Kausar in Shymkent.
Purpose: to acquaint girls brought up in a boarding school with information on the topic «fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of anemia», to give girls a good mood, to conduct a preventive medical examination.
The greeting and acquaintance with the girls brought up in the boarding school continued with a presentation on the topic: «fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of anemia», Sara Omirkulova and Tursynbay Askhat shared information and gave feedback to the girls.
Together with yessenbai Assel and Kulbek Shapagat, the game «think about it» strengthened the children's knowledge, improved their mood, and presented gifts.
Intern doctors conducted an examination of the health status of girls in itnat, recorded its results on a separate sheet and conducted an assessment of the state of health.
At the end of the event, gifts were distributed to each girl individually and a festive table was set. The girls were in a good mood and delighted, as if they wanted the festive event not to end.
All this work was videotaped, and it was Aripkhan Albanu who helped to convey the emotions of the girls.
Director of the girls ' boarding school of the Corporate Fund Kausar No. 4 Ualikhanov Bekzhan Zhumabayevich and head of the boarding school Zhylysbaeva Farida Myrzakhmetovna thanked the head of the Department «GP-2» Dosybayeva Gulzhan, Otumbayeva Enlik and intern doctors of the GP group 13-23 and presented letters of thanks.
«The work we did at the boarding school was based on the knowledge gained during the training, using the skills of the girls' reasoning. We have widely applied our knowledge in practice, accumulated the experience of organizational work, formed new practical skills, and were pleased with the sincere joy and gratitude from the children's faces,» the interns concluded.