Carrying out an event on the theme «A healthy person is the most valuable fruit of nature»

03/27/2024 at the Department of Pharmacognosy, under the direct supervision of the Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor M.A. Orynbasarova K.K. students and group leaders B-FCAB-01-21, FCAB-02-21, B-FO-03-21 PhD Kozykeeva R.A., senior teacher Ibragimova Z.E., teacher Abilova A.A. held a flash mob on the topic “A healthy person is the most valuable fruit of nature” in the Arboretum named after A. Askarov in the city of Shymkent and went on a tour of the Arboretum.
Formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people today is one of the most pressing problems. Changing a person’s attitude towards their health is, first of all, an educational task.
One of the interesting and effective methods often used to attract modern youth to a healthy lifestyle is organizing a flash mob with students, that is, performing physical exercises to music.

Health is our first wealth! We cannot fully understand the final meaning of this word.
Nowadays, even a newborn child is born with various diseases and weaknesses. In order for our future, our generation to be healthy and strong, we need to start with ourselves.
Nowadays our youth are so carried away by social networks and various computer games that they do not know when it is early and when it is late.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity, and obesity leads to changes in the functioning of human organs.

Physical activity is the main condition for developing a healthy lifestyle. Improves the functioning of important organs and organ systems, therefore plays an important role in creating a healthy lifestyle. Timely and proper nutrition is very important for maintaining health.

A healthy person who knows how to achieve his goals, who knows how to find his place in society, who always strives for victory is the most valuable fruit of nature. Therefore, let's live a healthy life and show the blue flag of our country only from above.

01.04.2024, 15:21