"Blooming country without corruption!"

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By the 25 th anniversary of Independence of the Republic  of Kazakhstan on November 23, 2016 the department of "Morphological and physiological sciences, physical education with valeology" in the assembly hall of the dormitory held an educational event to learn about the daily life and study of students living in the dormitory. The event was opened by head of youth policy department  of SKSPhA G.D. Orazymbetova and responsible for the educational work of FSTwTPE A.D Saimkulova. Dedicated to the President's Day and Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan song  of student S.Abbasova "Mereke" was liked to all spectators. 

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Students of 303 Ph group prepared videos and presentations about adverse effects of corruption. Zhuldyz’s song "Life is life" was dedicated to foreign students living in our dormitory. This event was filled with beautiful melodies and dances, performance of the KVN team raised the mood of all present people.

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Head of "Morphological and physiological sciences, physical education with valeology" department L.D.Zholymbekova thanked the students for their participation in the event and wished the students success in their study and to become qualified specialists in their sphere.

07.12.2016, 04:09