Becoming stronger connections of universities

Rector of the South Kazakhstan medical academy, professor M. Rysbekov received a delegation of the Tashkent medical academy (TMA).

In the framework of the group from TMA, the head of the department of faculty and hospital therapy Zhabbarov O. and the senior teachers of this department Kodirova Sh., Maksudova M., Sultonov N.

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Representatives of the Tashkent medical academy were interested in setting the educational process at the pre- and postgraduate level, opportunities of distance education.

The Uzbek colleagues met with the head of the educational and methodical center of the academy Ibragimova A.G., the dean of the faculty of continuous professional development Kabulov K.A., the guests visited the Center of practical skills of the academy.

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At the department of therapeutic disciplines (Head of department Asanova G.K.), the staff of the department of faculty and hospital therapy №2 of the Tashkent medical academy hold a master-class on the topic of “Articular syndrome”. 

13.02.2019, 13:09