«Approval and solidarity- are the key to success»

In accordance with the plan of educational work of the Department of General Education Disciplines, on December 18, a meeting was held with the Department of Religious Affairs of Shymkent KSU "Center for the Study of Religious Problems" specialist theologian Bekeulov Serik Madikhanovich, with the head of the department of Outreach and youth work NEET of the municipal state institution "Youth Resource Center" of the Department of Internal Policy and Youth Affairs of Shymkent Kipshakbayev Rauan Mukhituly on the topic " Approval and solidarity are the key to success". Religious scholars noted that harmony and solidarity are one of the basic values in the development of every nation and society, these qualities lead a person to a peaceful life, to a bright future.They explained that consent means understanding and peace between people, and solidarity means unity pursuing the same goal. It was said that there is misunderstanding and conflict in the environment without consent, and without solidarity there is a split in society.

18.12.2024, 16:00