AO South Kazakhstan Medical Academy between West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov"academic mobility of senior lecturer Kurmanbekova Sh. Zh.

From 24.11.2021 to 08.12.2021, as part of academic mobility, senior lecturer of the Department of "Microbiology, Virology and Immunology" Kurmanbekova Sh. Zh. at the Department of "Microbiology of Virology and Immunology" of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, classes were held online on the discipline "General Microbiology with the basics of immunology", on the following topics:
1. Immunobiological drugs and their use (lecture) - 11/25/2021
2. Cells of the immune system (SIW) – 24,25,26.11.2021.
3. Suppression of the immune response –(SIW) - 2,3,7.12.2021.
Classes were held in Kazakh for 2nd year students of the specialty "General Medicine" using the modern teaching methods in groups 205-208,213-215GM lecture, 203,205, 211,213GM SIW. When discussing the topics: "Cells of the immune system", "Suppression of the immune response during analysis", it was possible to establish a connection with other disciplines.
Some classes were held in the form of discussions, for example, "On the preparation and use of immunobiological preparations of vaccines, anatoxins, diagnostics". Having dwelt in detail on the types of vaccines, the students expressed their opinion about vaccination against coronavirus infection. During the training, students took an active part in the discussion, provided objective feedback, their special interest was aroused by the possibility of expanding professional knowledge and practical skills in all classes.

20.12.2021, 12:14