
Dear students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy!

A competition is announced for participation in the Erasmus + international credit mobility program at Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.

Duration of training – February – July 2019 year. 

Requirements for candidates:

- GPA not less than 2.95;

- default of academic debts;

- default of disciplinary punishment;

- default of violations of the internal regulations of SKMA;

- English level – В2; 

- the presence of a valid passport.

Conditions: visa expenses, medical insurance, residence and flights are paid by the Erasmus + program, as well as applicants who have passed the competitive selection will be paid a monthly scholarship.

Deadline for applications: untill 17.00 December 28, 2018.

For more information, contact the department of strategic development and international cooperation (Al-Farabi Square 1, main building, room 213).

Department SD and IC

13.12.2018, 00:22