Аgreement on cooperation between "My Doctor" LLP "Center for Endocrine Surgery" and JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy"

Оn June 12, 2018, in the city of Shymkent in the South Kazakhstan region, an agreement was signed on cooperation between "My Doctor" LLP (Next - Endocrine Surgery Center) and JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (Next - Academy).

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After the ceremony of signing the agreement, Umirzakova Lyazzat Samuratovna, General Director of "My Doctor" LLP "Center for Endocrine Surgery", in an interview with the media, briefly explained that the impetus for developing and signing this agreement was environmentally unfavorable factors that adversely affect human immunity, and were a prerequisite for serious diseases.

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This is largely responsible for in Kazakhstan the level of such serious diseases as diseases of the endocrine system is steadily increasing.

This agreement provides for the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system in accordance with the following priority areas:

- organization and development of a plan for the development of endocrine surgery in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- organization and ubiquitous assistance in the opening on the basis of the "Academy", the Department of Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, the training of narrow specialists such as endocrine surgeons oncologists, endocrine surgeons gynecologists also surgeons-otorhinolaryngology;

- carrying out PR activities to promote the strategy of development of endocrine surgery in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- preparation on the basis of "Academy" of qualified personnel and further  advanced training on the basis of the "Endocrine Surgery Center";

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In turn, Rector "Academy", Professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich, stressed the importance of the signed agreement, which in the future will serve as a serious springboard for the joint development of the program Development Strategy in the Republic of Kazakhstan,  underdeveloped areas of surgery by profiles such as ENT surgery, maxillofacial surgery, aesthetic surgery, endocrine gynecology and reproductive medicine.

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In conclusion, both sides expressed their satisfaction with the new opportunities for mutually beneficial investments that have opened up, in the prospect of the development of high-precision endocrine surgery in Kazakhstan.

15.06.2018, 05:40