Advanced training for internal auditors

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On 17th-19th April, 2017 a group of heads, teaching staff of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy successfully received training under the program “New version of international standard ISO 9001: 2015. Training of internal auditors of the quality management system”.

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Saule Bakhytzhanovna Shokayeva, a teacher of these advanced training courses, is the chief consultant of Kazakhstan Quality Organization (KQO, Almaty)

The goal of the course is to train internal auditors to use principles and practice of audit in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9000 series of standards.

The course provides an opportunity for internal auditors to become familiar with the practice of carrying out audits and develop their audit skills, to master the methodology of audit of the management system.

The participants were familiarized with the following within the course:

  • standards related to quality management systems, ISO 9001: 2015structure; 
  • important role of internal audit to maintain quality system;
  • responsibilities of internal auditors.
  • After this training course, the participants improved their skills:
  • to objectively collect and analyze data; 
  • to assess and report on the results of internal audit;
  • to plan and organize internal audit. 
20.04.2017, 05:28