Advanced training course for additional professional education on the topic: «Bioethics: theoretical and social - aspect»

From February 22 to March 6, 2021, on the basis of the SKMA, a 108-hour advanced training course for additional professional education was held on the topic: "Bioethics: theoretical and social - aspect", organized by the local commission on Bioethics. The form of training was online, on the ZOOM platform.

The course was conducted by Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities with the course of Bioethics of the Tashkent State Dental Institute (TSDI), Head of the UNESCO UNITWIN Group, Doctor of Philology, Professor Z. M. Mukhamedova. The course was attended by 70 students from among the teaching staff of the SKMA.

The aim and objectives of the course were high-quality training of students, in accordance with the list of competencies required for the development of an additional professional training program.

The course participants were introduced to the following topics:

● Bioethics: its subject, status, range of problems. History and theoretical foundations of bioethics. The Nuremberg Code. Models and principles of bioethics. The principlist concept.

● Ethical issues in selected medical fields: ethical aspects of medical interventions in human reproduction: history and modernity, interventions in human reproduction (abortion, sterilization, IVF, surrogacy).

● Ethics of biomedical research. Experiments on humans and animals: legal and moral foundations.

● Bioethics of pharmacy. Thalidomide disaster. Adoption of international standards for clinical research, production, and storage of medicinal products. Bioethics and society. Problems of humanization of medicine. Bioethics and its relationship with biopolitics: the role of public health, civil society institutions, and legal regulation in formation of a bioethical culture of society.

● International legal regulation of bioethics and the role of international organizations WHO, UNESCO, and WMA in the development of bioethics. Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Activation of the role of UNIT groups in the educational process of medical universities. Global Bioethics: essence and content. The social context of solving bioethical problems.

The course was completed by passing the final test. After successfully passing the test, the students were given certificates.

Local Commission on Bioethics of the SKMA.

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10.03.2021, 05:24