The teaching staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry held a series of open classes in the disciplines "Pharmaceutical Chemistry" and "Bioanalytical Chemistry and Toxicology" using innovative teaching methods in the form of an illustration lecture and laboratory studies in the form of RBL and TBL.

For the first time, the application of an illustration lecture in pharmaceutical chemistry was demonstrated by Professor S. Ordabayeva in front of a wide audience of 4th year students of the 6B10106 specialty and the teaching staff of the Academy on the Zoom platform.

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In the illustration lecture, all information material was provided in the form of chemical reactions of identification and quantitative determination, schemes for the synthesis of biologically active compounds, pyrimidine derivatives, in the form of UV and IR spectra, which had an unfinished, "unspecified" character. The tasks of the students were to comment on the material illustrated on the slides, demonstrate the use of certain methods of analyzing drugs, predict the pharmacological effect of drugs in relation to their chemical structure, based on the knowledge and skills acquired in previous lectures and practical classes.

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At the end of the lecture, students answered test questions online on the Quizezz platform to determine the level of assimilation of the lecture material.

Another type of innovative lesson was conducted by the associate professor of the department A. Serikbayeva with 5th year students in the form of a laboratory lesson. For incoming control, Quizezz platforms were used for individual testing, and for group testing, small session halls of the Zoom platform were used, in which small group students answered using presentation testing.

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As part of the scenario of the lesson using RBL, students registered in advance in international scientometric databases Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI. The students conducted a preliminary review of foreign literature, thanks to which they learned to work with primary sources in English, monitor the data of the received literature, submit a summary of the accomplished work.

Based on the results of the literature review, students presented scientifically based methods of chemical and toxicological analysis of the object of study (atenolol), which they performed in the laboratory part of the lesson. The implementation of virtual laboratory tasks using liquid-liquid extraction, thin layer chromatography, IR spectroscopy and other instrumental methods contributed to the consolidation of the professional skills and abilities of the future chemist-toxicologist.

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At the practical lesson "General research methods and analysis of drugs", conducted by the senior teacher of the department Nurkhanova G.Zh. using the TBL method, students performed the role of an chemist-analyst in a testing laboratory for drug quality control. After the incoming control in the form of individual and group testing on the Quizezz platform, the students demonstrated their professional skills in determining the quality of the substance of drugs of the carbohydrate group. The students carried out laboratory analysis of medicinal products using video materials prepared by the staff of the department. Practical tasks were divided between small groups, at the end of which students commented on the progress and results of the work.

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During the feedback, students described the positive aspects of innovative teaching methods, namely: communication in the form of a dialogue, the ability to work with the information received, promptly process, creatively transform it, give own reasoning, opinions, comments on the topic under studyEach of them at a higher level consolidated professional competencies and expanded communication skills.

The students also noted that as a result, instead of superficial and mechanical memorization of information, they received a meaningful and deep understanding of the studied material. Actual training methods, without requiring additional equipment, contribute to a better development of the material and the development of analytical thinking and professional competences.

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Thus, conducting classes using the methods of innovative technologies made it possible to more effectively reveal the creative potential of students, increase their individual responsibility and the effectiveness of the team as a whole.

31.05.2021, 22:40