Action April 7- Be healthy

World health day is celebrated every year on 7 April on the day of the creation in 1948 of the world health organization. The annual holding of the Day of Health has become  a tradition in since 1950.

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In support of this action on april 6, 2018, at the clinical base in the  MC «Ai  Nuri » under the supervision of the head of the department «Primary Health care 2 with the course of obstetries and gynecology» of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA). The event was held for the Day of Health under the title  «Be Healthy!» On this day a holiday was organizaed at the department, in which not only interns but also teachers participated.

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In the frame work of the event, a dancing and sports flash mob «Gymnastics in the form of the flash mob» was held with the participation of the faculty and doctors of the GP 620-625 groups (trainer Aidana Kishkenbaeva 618 GP group) with the participation of teachers of the departments of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology, interns of the Department of the Infectious Diseases and Dermatology. For residents of the attached territory and participants of the flash mob, a concert was organized by SKMA youth committee.       

Dossybayeva G.N.- This action was carried out with the purpose to dawn public attention to the healthy life of our children, students, adults. Every morning you must start with  morning exercises! This is necessary to stimulate all the systems of the body.

12.04.2018, 06:17