Accreditation is one of the stages of university development

From  March 31 to April 1, 2015 there was held the visit of external expert group of Independent Kazakhstan Agency of Educational Quality Assurance (IKAEQA) in SKSPhA within specialized (program) accreditation of educational programs of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees of the specialties “Public Health”, “Nursing”, “Medicine”.
The work of external expert group was headed by Kauysheva A.A., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Medical Education and Human Resources, AII and JP expert of “National Chamber of Public health”, IKAEQA expert. 
The group includes:
- Macijauskene Jūratė, international expert, Dean of Nursing Faculty of Lithuanian University of Health and Sciences, MD, PhD, Professor;
 - Buribayeva Zh.K., Professor of the Department “Management of Public Health with Nursing course” of KazMUCE, MD, Assistant Professor (expert of “Nursing”);
- Bedelbayeva G.G., the Head of Therapy Department of Postgraduate Education Institute of  KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov S.D., MD, Professor (expert of “Medicine”);
- Goremykina M.V., Associate Professor of the Department “Public health” of  Semey State Medical University, MD, (expert of “Public Health”);
- Abish G.M., representative of employers, Director of RSE of EPR “Center for sterilization of instruments and medical devices”; 
- Saranova D.Yu., student representative, 2nd year candidate for a master’s degree of SKSU named after M. Auezov. 
External expert group carried out the program in accordance with the approved visit program.


03.04.2015, 05:01