Academic mobility of the senior teacher of JSC «SКMA» A. A. Abdramanova in the NJSC «Medical University of Astana»

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In the period from 8 th March to 19 th March, in 2021, senior teacher of the Department of «Microbiology, Virology and Immunology» A.A. Abdramanova conducted academic mobility classes at the Department of «Microbiology and Virology named after Sh. I. Sarbasovа» for 2nd-year students of the specialty «General Medicine» in English on the discipline «Medical Microbiology» on the following topics:

1. Protozoa. Principles of laboratory diagnostics of parasitosis

2. Clinical and diagnostic microbiology. Hospital acquired infections.

3. Pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. Spirochetes. Mycoplasma. Chlamydia. Prevention and treatment.

4. Principles of laboratory diagnosis Spirochetes, Mycoplasma and Chlamydia.

5. Microbiological control in the medical preventive institution.

6. Pathogenic and opportunistic fungi. Molds fungi and their role in human pathology.

7. Mycological examinations.

8. Sexually transmitted infections. Mycoses and parasitosis. Clinical diagnostic microbiology. Nosocomial infections.

Classes were conducted using modern teaching methods.

19.03.2021, 04:58