From March 25 to April 12, 2022, at the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, as part of the academic mobility of the teaching staff, lectures were held online by Orynbasarova Kulpan Kenzhebaevna, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy of “SKMA” JSC.
The academic mobility program includes online lectures on the topics: "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing anthracene derivatives", "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing tannins", "Pollination and fertilization" and "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing flavonoids" for students 1, 2 and 3 courses of the educational program "Pharmacy" in the disciplines "Botany" and "Pharmacognosy".
The lecturer used active teaching methods, thus he managed to hold a lesson in the form of a problematic lecture, a press conference.
Methods of pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant materials (MPM) were discussed during the lecture. The lecturer described in detail the ways of isolating biologically active substances (BAS) from the MPM, as well as the accumulation in organs and tissues, their importance in the life of plants. She focused on the use of medicinal plants in medicine.
Students were interested in the influence of ontogeny and external factors on the accumulation of BAS, as well as their distribution in the plant world.

To activate the thinking of students at a problematic lecture, the lecturer prepared problematic and informational questions in advance. To successfully solve the problem, students had to take educational information with increased attention, quickly process and creatively transform it, mobilely switch their attention to various biologically active properties of medicinal plant materials, methods for their analysis and other issues related to the topic of the lecture.
Thus, holding such lectures contributes to obtaining mutually beneficial results, further development and strengthening of ties with the partner university, the search for new areas and forms of cooperation in the field of training highly qualified specialists for the pharmaceutical industry.

14.04.2022, 15:57