About preparations for the winter session

From 12/13/2022 to 12/19/2022, the dean's office of the Faculty of Pharmacy conducted remote explanatory work with students of the educational programs "Pharmacy" and "Pharmaceutical Production Technology" using the ZOOM platform. This year the winter session will be held from 12/19/22 to 01/11/23 Explanatory work was carried out by Dean Umurzakhova G.Zh. and deputy deans Sapakbay M.M., Kozykeyeva R.A., senior methodologist Duyisebayeva G.N., leading specialists Abdubekova Zh.M., Zhaksybayeva A.Y.

Students asked their questions and received answers. During the explanatory work, the students were first told about the rules for taking exams in the winter session, how to file an appeal, how to calculate the GPA assigned to each course.

20.12.2022, 11:04