About academic mobility at the Department of OMPhB

Within the framework of the academic mobility program from 01.04 to 10.04.2024 teachers at the Department of Organization, Management and Economics of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy, Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D. Asfendiyarova Ashirov M. Z. And Seitova Zh. D. have conducted practical training for the 3rd year of Special "Pharmacy" and "Technology of pharmaceutical production" at the Department of organization and management of the pharmaceutical business of JSC "SKMA".
Also, a binary lecture was held with the Senior Teacher of the Department Zhanbyrbaeva A.D. for the 3rd year of training on the specialty "PhPT" on the topic: "The production costs and cost of production in pharmaceutical production".

08.04.2024, 18:33