A webinar on the topic «Abay – the spiritual base of humanities»

10.05.2020 the department of kazakh, russian and latin languages organized and held a webinar "Abay – the spiritual base of humanity", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev.

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The opening introductory speech was made by the head of the department for social affairs and youth policy Salim E. K. Senior teachers of the department Akhbanbetova U.Sh., Begimbet A.S. and 1st year students Madenietov Zh.K., Elivbaeva Zh.B. made presentations, shared their opinions.

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If we want to revive national consciousness, we must carefully study the works of Abay. For today's Kazakhstan, where various processes in society are taking place, this is especially relevant. Abay, who has wonderfully conveyed the image of his era and looked into modern times, is an inexhaustible source of people's memory.

The name of Abay is alive as long as the Kazakh people are alive. Let us cherish his priceless words, which are spiritual wealth, glorifying humanism and freedom, aimed at the future of humanity!

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11.05.2020, 22:34