A training seminar on COVID-19 was held in SKMA. Algorithm of actions in case of suspected COVID-19 in pregnant women

South Kazakhstan medical Academy held online training seminars on coronavirus infection for doctors, nurses of polyclinics and medical institutions in Shymkent from November 11 to 13, 2020.

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The head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology, PhD, associate Professor S. N. Kulbayeva presented the tactics of managing pregnant women with COVID-19 at the outpatient and inpatient levels. The workshop was attended by doctors and nurses in the city perinatal center, maternity clinic, CH 13. S. N. kulbayeva introduced the algorithm of actions in case of suspicion of COVID-19 in pregnant women, women in labor, women in labor, how to hospitalize them in an obstetric hospital and a specialized hospital. Pregnant patients with suspected CVI or confirmed CVI infection should be prescribed maintenance therapy, taking into account the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. Decisions about emergency delivery and termination of pregnancy are complex and are based on many factors: the duration of pregnancy, the state of the mother, and the stability of the fetus. Consultations with obstetricians-gynecologists, neonatologists and resuscitators are required (depending on the mother's condition).

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During three days, 628 students got acquainted with the current situation.

25.11.2020, 07:38