А round table on the communication platform «G-global»

On February 17, 2017 a round table was held on the G-global communication platform in a online mode on the theme: "Modernization of methodological approaches in the study of medicinal plants on the basis of the transfer of international standards and concepts", organized by the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry (head of department.-. doctor of chemical sciences, prof. A.K. Patsayev). Moderator of the round table - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, acting prof. Zh.S.Toxanbayeva.

Karaganda State Medical University (Karaganda) and State Medical University of Semey were online with us.

Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry, doctor of chemical sciences, prof. A.K. Patsayev opened the round table and made a welcoming speech.

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The guests of the round table were representatives of the management structures of the region, the director of LLP SPA "Zerde-Fito", Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy – N.Zh. Zhumabayev, Head of the Training and methodologicalCenter - A.G. Ibragimova and etc.

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Participants of the round table discussed the issues of modernization of medical education and science, noted the importance of the raised problems, regarding the higher pharmaceutical education, the study of medicinal plants in our region and in the Republic as a whole.

On behalf of State Medical University of Semey  head of the department of pharmacology and evidence-based medicine Raikhan Esenzhanovna Toleutayeva and on behalf of Karaganda State Medical University  head of the department of pharmaceutical sciences Irina Viktorovna Loseva made a speech.

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The result of the Round Table was the adoption of the resolution:

  • strive to create a trinity of pharmaceutical education: education-science-practice;
  • according to the results of scientific research of South Kazakhstan region to flora develop the conditions for the implementation of joint research-grant programs fax the employees of Pharmacognosy and chemistry Department of SKSPhA and representatives of partner organizations;
  • to implement the principle of dual training (in the workplace) in the educational process with the involvement of representatives of  enterprises - members of the pharmaceutical cluster in South Kazakhstan in choosing the master’s theses and as supervisors of practice, outreach activities in the relevant industries and enterprises;

The round table was held in the online mode at a high level, participants and guests expressed their gratitude to the organizers - A.K. Patsayev, Zh.S. Toxanbayeva, K.K.Orynbassarova, T.S. Serikbayeva and A.E. Bukharbayeva. 


The head of the department of pharmacognosy 

and chemistry, doctor of chemical sciences, professor                           Patsayev A.K.

23.02.2017, 04:23