A happy family is a prosperous state!

On September 12, 2023 in the dormitory of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy on the eve of the holiday "Family Day" My Family students were shown a film dedicated to the popularization of family values.
According to the organizers of the event, the television film convincingly revealed the upbringing of children in a modern family through the great responsibility of parents and the knowledge gained. This was the purpose of the event, because for Kazakhs there is nothing more sacred than family. A child born and brought into the world needs a mother's love and also impeccably clean air.
It has been emphasized many times that the family is an environment of respect, well-being.  The family is the very first collective in the upbringing of children. Famous Kazakh poet Magzhan Zhumabaev noted that "parents, bringing up a child, should not try to bring up just themselves, they should bring up a child stronger than themselves. Because it is important to remember that their times will be more challenging than the times their parents are living in."

A blessed family has a great influence on a child growing up to be well-mannered. That's why it is emphasized that education begins at the cradle. Happy Holidays, Family Day!

13.09.2023, 17:24