A handful of kindness

Today's charity event “the kindness heart" is dedicated to the Republic Day on October 25.
They say that the place where a child is born is called the motherland. Every person has a great love and warm feelings for the motherland, the native land. The duty of humanity is to flourish, preserve and pass on the homeland from generation to generation.
The great educator, spiritual leader of our nation A. Baitursynov said: "If there are no people who think about the child, then where will the child come from who will think about the nation." We look at you not only as our child, but also for the bright future of our country.
Our aim is to show the significance of the national holiday, to form a child's patriotism from an early age, love for his homeland. We try to come to the orphanage more often. We want to cheer them up, 30.10.2023y. " ЖТД-3" assistants of the department Onlasbekova G.M, Baimakova G.SH and the 6th course of "General Medicine" IЖТДҚ-19-23, , IЖТДҚ-20-23 and at the initiative of the interns of these groups, the action "a handful of kindness" was organized to entertain and give joy to the pupils of the house "specialized children", located in the Vostok microdistrict, Shymkent.
To this event attended pupils of the orphanage. Glowing with happiness – the kids were delighted when the brothers and sisters showed them both respect and sympathy. At the end of the evening, the assistants of the department Onlasbekova G. M, Baimakova G.SH and the students of the group IЖТДҚ-19-23 Toishiyeva Aidana, Tagay Umit expressed their wishes to the kids and presented gifts organized by the students. The management and staff of the house were touched, seeing that we made a gift to the pupils, and experienced special feelings and thanked for the support of well-wishers. A blessed, moral, cohesive team and a teacher contributes to the upbringing of a child. To be blessed, friendliness, respectfulness, kindness, compassion and friendly qualities must occupy a place in the heart of every person.
The head of the house "Specialized children" Aynabek G.A. handed a letter of thanks to the assistants of the department " ЖТД-3" Onlasbekova G.M. and Baimakova G.SH the staff of the department and to all students for their support on behalf of the staff and pupils. And also wished us good health, success in business, good knowledge, to become honest doctors and achieve new successes in the new year.
May there be many good deeds in the future!!!

03.11.2023, 11:54