A graduate of SKMA, bon voyage!

From 04 to 10 July 2018. in the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy were held solemn meetings on the awarding of diplomas to graduates in 2018. A special feature of this year was the solemn presentation at the Alley of Doctors in the "Abai" park near the memorial of Oteyboydaq Tileubqabyluly - a well-known Kazakh scientist, healer, author of the treatise "Shipagherlik Bayan". 

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The program of the grand meeting was very touching. They expressed their warm wishes and gratitude to the parents of activists who contributed a lot to the image of SKMA in the sphere of education, science, public work, charity events at the regional and national levels and presented letters of gratitude to distinguished guests: a member of the Board of Directors of SKMA, n. Seitzhanov Kerimjan Seitzhanovich, Senator of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kurtayev Alimzhan Seitzhanovich, Senator of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bektayev Ali Abdikarimovich, Chairman of the "Oktyustik" Association of Medical Workers Tuleyev Ikram Tuleyevich, and Rector of the SKMA MM Rysbekov and Vice-Rector Zh. B. Bapaev, M.U. Anarthayeva, B.U.Normashev. Was performed by Anashov Tolebi a song about student life and slides with photographs that depict the happy moments of students for 5 years.

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On the part of the parents, huge gratitude was expressed to the management of the academies, teachers, deans and all the staff of SKMA and wished for development, expansion and image growth. In honor of the parents, the song was sounded under the cover of Arys Erbol "Ayauli ana". Everyone had tears of joy in their eyes.

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The most important point of the meeting was the adoption of the Hippocratic oath. Graduates took an oath standing and put their hands on the heart.

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The grand meeting was held by graduates of the magistracy, internship, specialty of the medical, pharmaceutical faculty and graduates of the medical college.

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Young specialist! Good way, high achievements, honest work and sweet fruits of your knowledge! We believe that you will be a patriot of your country!

12.07.2018, 04:13