9 December, in honor of the International Anti-Corruption Day, a competition of suret "Adil Soz, adal is" was held among the faculties.
On December 6, 2024, in order to form an anti-corruption culture among students, the Compliance Officer of SKMA Nurgali Alikhanovich Pernebayev and the Department of youth policy held a suret competition "Adil Soz, adal is" among the faculties in honor of the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9. The jury consisted of Vice-Rector for educational and methodological work Anartayeva Maria Ulasbekovna,head of the educational and methodological Center Doltaeva Bibigul Zaydullaevna, compliance officer Pernebayev Nurgali Alikhanovich, dean of the internship and employment of graduates Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Saukhanbekuly, head of the Registry Office Syzdykova Saulet Akmurzayevna.
According to the results of the competition,the 1st place was taken by the International Faculty GULIA JAGRITI В-ЖМША-21-21,KHAN SHAGUFTA В-ЖМША-15-21,SABA RAFIQ KHANUM В-ЖМША-29-21 , the 2nd place was taken by the International Faculty AALIYA RASOOL В-ЖМША-13-21, SARAH KHALID В-ЖМША-16-21, PATIL ABHIDNYA MAHENDRA В-ЖМША-04-21 , the 3 rd place was taken by students of the International faculty KHUTHEIBAM FATIMA CHOUDHURY ВM-МША-01-22,KHAN SHABI ВM-МША-01-22, PATIL SANCHITA PRASHANT ВM-МША-01-22 groups.