5 June referendum on constitutional changes

On May 26, 2022 in the small conference hall of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy a meeting with the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bekzhanov Berik Aidarbekovich was held. The meeting was attended by the staff of the Academy.

The meeting was opened by the Rector of the Academy, Professor M. Rysbekov. Having received the floor, the deputy of Majilis of the Parliament of RK Bekzhanov Berik Aidarbekovich noted: "On June 5, by nationwide voting the historical decisions determining the future of Kazakhstan will be made. Every person who is not indifferent to the destiny of the country must make his or her choice and take part in this vote".

The conference continued with questions from the academy staff. The lecturers asked the Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament their questions. The Majilis deputy responded to the questions posed in a detailed and affirmative manner.

After the meeting the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the RK acquainted with the internal situation of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. He, together with the Rector of the Academy toured the examination testing centre of students, familiarized themselves with the modern medical simulators and equipment placed there, and wished the staff of the Academy success in their future work.

26.05.2022, 18:21