1st December - World AIDS Day

On 1st December is celebrated World AIDS Day, which has been held annually since 1988 after a meeting of health Ministers from all countries called for social tolerance and increased information exchange on HIV/AIDS. The motto of this year's world AIDS day is "international solidarity, shared responsibility". According to a report by the United Nations Specialized program to fight HIV-AIDS, about 25 million people on Earth have died of AIDS since the appearance of this terrible disease, and another 60 million are HIV - infected. In addition, stigmatization and discrimination against people living with HIV remain acute problems in modern society. For example, very often not only adults, but also children affected by the epidemic experience negative attitudes from a significant part of society, rejection from neighbors and peers, teachers, caregivers and even health workers, which is a serious obstacle to effective prevention, testing and treatment of HIV infection.

On 27th November 2020, the Infectious diseases and dermatovenerology Department organized and held an online forum "1 st December -World AIDS Day" under the motto "International solidarity, shared responsibility". The forum was attended by the Departments of microbiology, hygiene and epidemiology, obstetrics and gynecology, GP-2, Phthisiology course, and the city center for AIDS prevention.

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The purpose of the Forum is to call for social tolerance and expand the exchange of information on HIV / AIDS and its prevention measures, to draw the attention of students and residents to the spread of HIV infection, which has taken the scale of a global pandemic that has spread to all regions of the world.

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Participants made presentations covering the history of HIV infection research, the epidemiological situation of HIV infection in the world (including Kazakhstan and India), the etiology of HIV infection, the pathogenesis and clinical course of the disease in various population groups. Attention is paid to the prevention of HIV infection, as well as psychological support for this category of patients.

At the end of the online forum, participants awarded certificates.

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27.11.2020, 11:46