Faculty of Pharmacy


In 2012 – 2013 of academic year the deanery of Faculty of Pharmacy was separated in self-contained unit because of increase of student contingent of educational program “Pharmacy” and student enrolment for new educational program “Pharmaceutical production technology”.

The faculty trains professionals of the following educational programs:

B085 – “Pharmacy”, training period is 5 years;
В085 – “Pharmacy”, an accelerated type of training course duration 3 years;
B072 – “Pharmaceutical production technology”, training period is 4 years.



Dean of the faculty of Pharmacy – Acting Professor, PhD Umurzakhova Galiya



The staff of the faculty of Pharmacy



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Deputy Dean Candidate of Pharmaceutical sciences Sapakbay Malik



Deputy Dean on methodological works PhD Kozykeyeva Raushan



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Senior methodist - Duysebayeva Gulnar



Leading specialist Zhaksybayeva Aygul



Leading specialist Abdubekova Zhadyra



The Faculty unites all departments and laboratories related to specialities that are in the Faculty body, and general science and educational departments that are similar to the Faculty profile. The Faculty reports to Pro – rector of instructional, methodical and educational work.

The Faculty Dean heads The Faculty Council, which includes 12 departments:

1. Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technologies
2. Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
3. Department of Foreign Languages.
4. Department of Technology of Medicines
5. Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology.
6. Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry;
7. Department of Management of Pharmaceutical Affairs;
8. Department of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology
9. Department of Pharmacognosy.
10. Department of Chemical Disciplines.
11. Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.
12. Engineering disciplines

The Faculty of Pharmacy works on the basis of perspective and annual plans, approved by Rector.
General theoretic and practical aspects of scientific organization of studying are reflected in deanery documents according to the following directions:

• guidance of instructional, methodical and educational work of the Faculty;
• planning, organization, management of studying and its control;
• teaching methodological support of studying;
• working with Heads of Departments, related to the Faculty, with Faculty staff;
• providing high quality of educational services;
• taking part in marketing research and students gathering in educational establishment;
• establishing and development of external contacts;
• providing high quality of studying on the basis of progressive technologies implementation (Quality Management System - QMS, credit technology, active methods of teaching), material and technical basis, training and laboratory basis, scientific and research basis consolidation, effective motivation of students getting knowledge;
• educational process integration with scientific research and providing professional skills of graduates, sufficient both for production and scientific research works and for teaching activities;
• holding “The open days”;
• holding annual “Job fair” with subsequent employment of graduates according to the organization claims (of employers).
In front of the entire Faculty and staff of the Academy there are the following priorities according to the reforming of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan:
• policy and objectives realization of South – Kazakhstan Medical Academy in QMS sphere);
• quality improvement of specialists’ training
• development of innovative education;
• development of educational and information technologies.

The deanery organizes, coordinates and controls educational, methodical, scientific and organizing affairs of departments and controls studying in the Faculty.
The deanery work is aimed at developing the relationship of the leading scientific and educational achievements in the field of higher education policy, at improving the quality of education and stimulating organizational work.



Address: Main building, 1st floor, office 127
Tel. (87252) 39-57-57 (1022)
E-mail: pharmacy.ukma@gmail.com

30.09.2020, 06:30