Department of «Topographic Anatomy and Histology»


History of the department

According to order No. 87 08.28.2024. based on the decision of the Academic Council of SKSMA dated 01.09.2024. changes were made to the structure of the academy’s “staffing table” for the 2024-2025 academic year, the department of “Topographic Anatomy and Histology” was formed. Histology was separated from the Department of Morphophysiology. The department is based in the main building No. 1 on the lower floor of SKMA. The head of the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Histology is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting. Professor Murzanovа D.A. The department is gradually being equipped, educational and methodological work is being established.



Murzanova Dinar Alpenovna

Head of the department Candidate of Medical Sciences, acting Professor


Composition of the department:
1. Murzanova D.A. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Professor
2. Sisabekov K.E. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
3. Zhumashev S.N. – professor
4. Toimbetova K.A. – senior lecturer
5. Ospanov D.T. – senior lecturer
6. Sartaeva U.S. – senior lecturer
7. Kerimbekova M.U. – senior lecturer
8. Nauhan D.N. - teacher
9. Edige A.Zh. - teacher
10. Atenova N.A. - teacher
11. Koshkarova G.E. – senior laboratory assistant
12. Duisenbekova G.Kh. - senior laboratory assistant



Department location address:
Shymkent, Al-Farabi Square 3, educational building No. 2, 0 floor;
Department email:

31.10.2024, 15:50