History of the Department

In the Medical College of JSC" SKMA "by Order No. 770 dated August 22, 2023, the Department of" morphological disciplines " was organized.



Yeralkhan Akmaral Kairatkyzy Head of the Department "morphological disciplines"



Objectives of the department:
* formation of basic knowledge about the structure of organs and systems;
* learn to determine the location and projection of organs for emergency and emergency medical care;
* education of the basic physiological characteristics of a healthy person based on age and gender characteristics;
* knowledge of the basic laws and mechanisms of formation of holistic reactions;
* formation of systematic knowledge as the relationship of the existence of a human organism with the environment.


The department carries out educational work in accordance with the working curriculum. The department teaches:
"Anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the dental and maxillofacial system", "fundamentals of Medical Biology and medical genetics"-1,2 courses, specialty 09110100 - qualification "Dentistry" – 4S09110102 - "dentist".
"Anatomy, physiology", "General Pathology", "fundamentals of Medical Biology and medical genetics" - 1 course specialty 09130200 - "Obstetrics", qualification – 4S09130201 - "obstetrician".
"Anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the dental and maxillofacial system"-1,2 courses, specialty 09110200 - qualification "orthopedic dentistry" – 4S09110201 - "dental technician".
"Anatomy, physiology", "General Pathology", "Medical Biology with genetics" -1,2 courses, specialty 09130100 - "nursing", qualification – 4S09130103 - "nurse in general practice".
"Anatomy, physiology and pathology" - 1 course specialty 09130100 - qualification "nursing" – 5AB09130101 - "applied bachelor of Nursing".
"Physiology with the basics of anatomy and Pathology"," Molecular Biology with the basics of Medical Genetics "- 1 course specialty 09160100 - qualification" pharmacy " – 4S09160101 - "pharmacist".
"Anatomy, physiology", "fundamentals of Medical Biology and medical genetics", "General Pathology" - 1,2 courses, specialty 09120100 - qualification "medical" – 4S09120101 - "paramedic".

Updating of studied disciplines-the disciplines of the department are updated annually.


Currently working at the Department:


1. Yeralkhan Akmaral Kayratovna – Head of the department
2. Turebaeva Gulnaz Asylkhanovna - head teacher, teacher
3. Mamysheva Dinara Tazabekovna - teacher
4. Ilesova Zhazira Tazhibaykyzy - teacher
5. Dosmuratova Laura Nurbolatkyzy - teacher
6. Anarbeva Nargiza Mirzabekovna - teacher
7. Utebayeva Zhansaya Aituovna - teacher
8. Sadullaev Babur Khasanuly - teacher
9. Tulybek Didar Kadirbekkyzy - teacher
10. Kalybek Madina Pulatbekkyzy - teacher
11. Eleusizova Fatima Malikkyzy - teacher
12. Kazhymuratova Guldaria Turarbekkyzy - teacher
13. Madiomar Akniyet Dauitkyzy - teacher
14. Zharilkasynova Gulmira Serikovna - teacher
15. Yuldashov Anvarzhan Mominzhanovich – teacher
16. Burkitbaeva Balzira Baurzhanovna - teacher
17. Amanzholova Meruert Makhmudovna - teacher
18. Orynbek Azhar Ganikyzy – teacher
19. Kudaibergenov Mahmudzhan Bekbolatovich - teacher
20. Mustafina Komilakhon Rustamovna - senior laboratory assistant
21. Serikbai Aruzhan Nurlankyzy - senior laboratory assistant
22. Nyshanbayeva Symbat Sundetkyzy- laboratory assistant



Address and contact details:
Address: JSC" SKMA " Building No. 2, 5th floor
Tel: 8 (778)-554-97-81

13.11.2023, 17:33