Department of General Education Disciplines
History of the department
The Department of Social Disciplines of the Medical College at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy was established in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Since the opening day, teachers with higher pedagogical education have been working at the department. The head of the department is the Master of Pedagogical Sciences Sataev Amangeldy Toibolovich.
The department consists of 49 teachers, 11 of them are undergraduates.
Teachers conduct theoretical classes in various subjects with students of 1-2 courses according to the approved compulsory state standard of education in the field of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The department is engaged in scientific, educational, methodical and educational work.
Along with teaching general education subjects, teachers pay special attention to educational work among students.
The department provides all the necessary conditions for obtaining in-depth knowledge; educational and methodological documents, obligatory state general education standards, educational plans, working educational plans, work programs (syllabuses) in all general education subjects.
Along with the training, college teachers pay special attention to the patriotic, moral education of students.
Teachers, undergraduates of the department take an active part in the public life of the city, region, republic, participate in various events, conferences, Olympiads.
Sataev Amangeldy Toibolovich - Head of the Department, Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
The main responsibilities of the Department of general education disciplines.
1) To organize and conduct educational, methodical and educational work among students;
2) Participate in the research work of the department.
3) Constantly engage in self-education, increasing the level of knowledge;
The following subjects are taught at the Department of General Education Disciplines:
• Russian (Kazakh)
• History of Kazakhstan
• Graphics and design
• Mathematics
• Physics
• Geography
• Russian literature (Kazakh literature)
• Kazakh language and literature
• Russian language and literature
• Foreign language
• Computer science
• Biology
• Initial military and technological training
• Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
• Professional foreign language
• Fundamentals of Economics and law in healthcare
• Latin language
• Fundamentals of political science and sociology
• Fundamentals of philosophy and cultural studies
• Physical education
Subjects are conducted in Kazakh and Russian languages.
Teaching staff of the Department:
Currently, the teaching staff of the department consists of: 1 Head of the Department, 48 teachers, 11 Masters of Pedagogical Sciences, 5 senior laboratory assistants, 5 laboratory assistants.
1. Sataev Amangeldy Toibolovich-head of the Department, Master of Pedagogical and psychological sciences.
2. Tilepbaeva Aizhamal Kadyrkyzy-teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
3.Temirbekova Aigul Kambarbekovna-teacher, Master of pedagogical and psychological sciences.
4. Abdramanova Sholpan Rysmagambetovna-teacher, Master of Humanities
5. Aidyngali Nursultan Timurovich-teacher
6. Akhtayeva Klara Bizhigitovna-teacher
7. Tangirbergenov Nurbek Maratugli- teacher
8. Tuimebayeva Ardak Zhaksylykovna - teacher.
9. Seydaly Yerbolsyn Abdrasilovich- teacher.
10.Erezhep Akniet Torebaykyzy- teacher.
11. Isabekova Asiya Amangeldievna-teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
12. Akhbanbetova Urzada Shirinbekovna-teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
13. Sarymsakova Zhanar Saparbekovna-teacher
14.Kenzhebek Aizhan Yerzhanovna-teacher
15. Tukibayev Omirserik Serikovich-teacher
16. Altynbek Gulmaral Kairatkyzy-teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
17. Zayrzhanova Aigerim Zeynullaevna-teacher
18. Kulakhmetova Amankul Akmyrzakyzy-teacher
19. Serik Shuga Yerlankyzy -teacher.
20. Abirova Gania Sauytbekkyzy – teacher.
21. Toley Asem Kenzhebekkyzy -teacher.
22. Ibragimova Gulnar Slyamkhanovna – teacher.
23. Anapiyeva Gulnara Tursyngazyevna-teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
24. Akhtayeva Ayman Bizhigitovna-teacher
25. Uzakbaeva Laura Kudaikukovna- teacher
26. Urazbay Karina Rakhimzhanovna-teacher, Master of pedagogical science.
27. Kalmurat Diana Erdosovna- teacher
28. Shamsiddin Dina Smailovna- teacher
29. Nurlibayeva Zhumagul Gabitovna-teacher
30. Abduvaliev Jamshid Farkhatovich - teacher.
31. Kurishbekova Aliya Askarovna – teacher.
32. Sharapadin Nazym Zhanievna-teacher
33. Smat Balnur Zhanibekovna-teacher, Master of pedagogical science.
34. Serikboev Iles Boytemir uğli- teacher
35. Abish Zarina Sundetovna-teacher, Master of Pedagogical Sciences
36. Kazhymuratova Guldariya Turarbekovna-teacher
37. Satbaeva Aknur Koilybayevna-teacher
38. Ordabekova Aruzhan Shalkharovna- teacher.
39. Orynbek Azhar Ganievna – teacher
40. Baltabay Aizhan Serikovna- teacher
41. Kettebekov Mukhtar Zhalelovich-teacher
42. Abdullayeva Zhanar Seidikasymovna-teacher
43. Ibrahim Bereke Ubaydullauly-teacher
44. Medeuov Aitbay Zhusipovich-teacher
45. Usen Akhmet Abilkhanovich-teacher
46. Zhunisbekov Bakhtier Yermakhanovich- teacher
47. Kydyrali Zhangar Kerimbekovich- teacher
48. Aidiyar Bibol Shadibekovich- teacher
49. Kozhabek Arman Mukhanovich- teacher
50. Zhamalbekova Gulzhan Zhamalbekovna-laboratory assistant
51. Orazalieva Aizhan -Senior laboratory assistant.
52. Boranbay Zhanerke Bauyrzhanovna-laboratory assistant.
53. Orynbaeva Marzhan Nurtasovna-laboratory assistant.
Address of the Department:
Al-Farabi square. Academic Building No.5, №302 Teachers room
Phone (PBX): 39-57-57