Department of Clinical Disciplines 2


History of the department




The Department of "Clinical Diciplin – 2" of the Medical College at JSC "SKMA" was organized by the order of the rector of JSC "SKMA" №87ө dated 01.09.2024, based on protocol №01 dated 29.08.2024. of the Academic Council of JSC "SKMA" is and one of the specialized departments of the medical college.
Head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Sagindykov Nalikhan Nazarbayevich.



Sagindykov Nalikhan Nazarbayevich - is a candidate of medical sciences



1982-1990 he studied at the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute, Bachelor's degree in Pediatrics, internship in pediatric surgery. In 1990, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Pathological Anatomy at the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute.
In 1995, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "The influence of surgical diseases on the development of atherosclerosis."
1998-2004 Senior lecturer at the Department of Histology of the SKMA.
2005-2006 The chief physician of the DoRa Medical Center.
2006-2007 The chief physician of the medical center "Ai-Nura".
2007-2008 The chief physician of the RaiMed Medical Center.
2008-2023 Senior lecturer at the Department of Morphology of the AYU.
Since 2024, he has been the head of the Department of Clinical Disciplines-2.

Objectives of the department:
- Work with regulatory legal acts;
- Work with the rules of the department;
- Work with job descriptions of employees;
- Work with the department's plan;
- Work on the minutes of the department meeting;
- Correspondence on organization issues;
- Meeting the requirements of the Quality Management System (QMS);
- Registration of documents on the facts of calls to commit corrupt, paid activities;
- Implementation of a set of educational and methodological subjects;
- Registration of documents based on the results of the educational process;
- Registration of internal control documents of the department;
- Organization and implementation of the educational process in the summer semester;
- Work with individual annual PPP plans;
- Performing training loads;
- Professional development plan, reports of the faculty of the department, copies of certificates, copies of professional development;
- Work with scientific papers of teachers and students;
- Performing educational work;
- Implementation of the educational process in approved subjects according to the program of approved subjects in accordance with the curriculum;
- To create conditions for the satisfaction of educational and scientific the needs of students;
- Improvement of organizational scientific and educational methodological provision of basic educational programs;
- Development of new learning technologies;
- To study and predict the level of graduate training and requirements stakeholders;
- To increase the effectiveness of relationships with secondary and higher education institutions professional educational institutions, organizations employers;
- Optimization of the college's management structure based on modern Quality management;
- Strengthening the material and technical base and human resources.
Disciplines taught at the department:
• General Surgery
• Neurology
• Pediatrics
Classes are conducted in Kazakh and Russian


Updating the subjects being studied:
30-40% of the subjects studied are updated every year.
THE MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT – training of professionally competent, patient-oriented specialists of secondary and post-secondary education.


Educational and methodological work:
The work of the department is organized in accordance with the approved plan, consisting of educational, methodological, research and educational work.
Scientific priority of the department:
The academic performance of students, individual work plans of teachers, scientific and educational work according to the KGB plan, current issues are considered.
Currently, the department employs 17 full-time teachers, 3 laboratory assistants and freelance teachers.


Currently are working at the department:

1. Sagindykov Nalikhan Nazarbayevich-K. M. N.,
2. Nazarbayev Nurislam Nalikhanovich-educator
3. Tlenish Zhanerke Ubaydullaevna-educator
4. Beknazarova Ainur Askarovna-educator
5. Bekzhan Tleukulov-educator
6. Auezova Akniet Yermekbaevna-educator
7. Momynova Bibigul Lesovna-educator
8. Yusupova Nagima Malikovna-educator
9. Akimbaeva Kenzhe Orazbayevna-educator
10. Sagynbaeva Bakhtigul Atenovna-educator
11. Begmanova Aida Aidarovna-educator
12. Makhmut Aida Adilkhanovna-educator
13. Gulnara Userbaevna Tulepbergenova-educator
14. Baidilda Diana Amirkhanovna-educator
15. Kenenbayeva Madina Begimovna-educator
16. Doszhonov Askar Eshmanovich-teacher
17. Kaldybayeva Nazira Batyrbekovna-educator


Teaching staff:
1. Begaly Aruzhan Tolegenovna-Senior Laboratory Assistant
2. Bazarbay Nurila Kanatovna-Senior Laboratory Assistant
3. Tokhtamys Gaukhar Bakytzhanovna-Senior Laboratory Assistant



Address: Silk way, Turkestan street – 10, 2nd floor.





06.11.2024, 18:29