There are no students who would not have heard about the unique educational program of the European Union Erasmus+. It allows students of public and commercial universities for 1-2 semesters to go to study at any other University in Europe or even the world in the framework of International Credit Mobility.

As part of the International credit Mobility, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy signed an Interinstitutional agreement with the Transylvania University of Brasov. This agreement is designed to ensure that upon the return of the student, the sending University recognizes his credits as the results of studying abroad.

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This academic mobility program owes its popularity to the incredibly generous sponsorship terms. Exchange students are paid for everything: education, accommodation, air tickets, medical insurance. In addition, students receive a monthly allowance that covers all remaining expenses for food and their needs. The scholarship and its amount usually depends on the country to which the student is sent.

This academic mobility program owes its popularity to the incredibly generous sponsorship terms. Exchange student are paid for everything: education, accommodation, air tickets, medical insurance. In addition, students receive a monthly allowance that covers all remaining expenses for food and their needs. The scholarship and its amount usually depends on the country to which the student is sent.

I already know from my own experience that before applying for participation in the Erasmus+ student exchange competition, you should familiarize yourself with a few general rules that common to absolutely all applicants, regardless of the chosen University and country.

1. The level of knowledge of English or the national language of the host country should be at least at level B2. It will be good if you have Ielts certificate (least 6.0).

2. Only the student who studied at his native University for at least 2 years will be able to take part in academic mobility.

3. The student must have a high GPA score. This is one of the most important criteria for the selection of future participants.

I had a great opportunity to go to study in Eastern Europe, especially in Romania, in the region of Transylvania in the 3rd year of bachelor degree study.

Thre is no doubt, that change is the most constant aspect of life. Every trip to abroad is a great way of expanding your horizons, and improving of worldview. Well, in general - positive changes in all sphere of life.

By metioning Romania, first what comes to mind is a character of Count Dracula. To be honest, I really wanted to live in the homeland of Dracula in order to increase the level of knowledge in the field of medicine, and get acquainted with the culture of the country. Romania has one of the highest biodiversity in all of Europe. This means that you will be able to find out breathtaking landscapes, habitats, plant and animal species than on the rest of the continent. The area where I was lucky enough to live-Transylvania is surrounded by mountains, and accordingly the weather in contrast to our hot Shymkent was much colder. The level of medicine in Romania is quite high. The education system is different, in Kazakhstan medical students study by the system of 5+2 (5 years of Bachelor degree, 2 years of Internship), and in Romania studying lasts exactly 6 years. Studying with my foreign groupmates, seeing their level of knowledge, getting the knowledge of teachers from Romania and taking classes in the best European hospitals for more than three months - I was really motivated to study harder and more. Students had a voluntary choice of some additional courses, and they were able to choose the subjects they were interested in. You could spend all day in the library, studying the theory, or participate in different kind of operations.

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Of course, I really liked it. In addition to classes, student life was developed actively. Every two weeks there were various kind of events, which were devoted to the relationship of students from different countries.

I would like to express my big gratitude to the management of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy for the unlimited opportunities provided to students.

My advice to all our students: try, apply documets for training on different mobility programs, and participate in competitions.

It is only necessary to take a step forward without fear, then everything will turn out in positive side!

Кален Сулугайша

12.10.2019, 04:33