Winners of the international scientific and creative competition

The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting controversial issues in modern cultural and philosophical thought. Artificial intelligence touches upon fundamental issues of human existence, the nature of reason, cognition and ethics. The essay genre is constantly evolving and is becoming especially popular at the present time, when society requires a competitive personality.
The purpose of the competition is to popularize knowledge of cultural studies and philosophy, understand ethical issues, questions of consciousness and identity related to the development and application of artificial intelligence, develop the ability of students to creatively comprehend the chosen topic, express their opinion and judgment on the problem posed, arguing their position, develop oral and written skills related to the ability to formulate their own judgments on problematic issues.
Hasan Emil Yunusuly, a student of the VM-SO-06-23 group of the educational program "Dentistry", won 2nd place, nomination "Best scientific approach in the Essay" under the scientific supervision of PhD doctor Nurzhanbaeva Zhanat Oralbaevna at the International scientific and creative essay writing competition on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy" among students of medical fields, specialties of universities, held at the NAO "Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov".

The staff of the department wishes the winners good health and creative success!

04.02.2025, 15:47