We finish the academic year with another victory!

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The team of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy sums up the results of the academic year with new achievements!

Today we received a letter from the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating on the decision of the Accreditation Council (Protocol No. 57) on international specialized accreditation for a period of five years of educational programs:

- 7R01130«Pediatrics»

- 7R01137«Neurology, including children's»

And also about international specialized primary accreditation for a period of five years of educational programs

- 7R01120«Neurosurgery, including children's»

- 7R01124«Oncology (adult)

- 7R01125«Orthopedicstraumatology, including children's»

- 7R01128Otorhinolaryngology, including children's

- 7R01131 «Neonatology»

- 8D10141 Medicine

Congratulations to the staff of the Academy on the successful completion of the accreditation procedure, we wish you health and new successful projects!

04.06.2021, 04:00